JULY 13 - 19, 2025

Camp Discovery is a unique camp experience for children ages 7-16 who are battling or have battled cancer. The main purpose of Camp Discovery is to provide these wonderful children a fun and “normal” camp experience, an experience they would not be able to get at a traditional residential camp. Other things take place like learning new skills, individual growth, and personal development.
During Camp Discovery children will experience perhaps the best week of their life by swimming, climbing, laughing, dancing, singing, horseback riding, and simply being with other people who can relate to their situation.
Camp Discovery is staffed solely by volunteers, many of whom return year after year. Approximately 70% of our volunteers are cancer survivors, with over 50% of those being former campers. Our staff members are dedicated to providing understanding, leadership, compassion, safety, and direction to our campers, as well as enjoying the experience with them.
The camp is abundantly staffed with volunteer nurses, nurse practitioners, and physicians. Many of these medical professionals provide treatment to our campers on a regular basis away from camp, and say that it is refreshing to see them outside the hospital environment.
We are open to children ages 7-16 from any of the following treatment facilities* in Texas:
- Methodist Children’s Hospital, San Antonio
- Dell Children’s Hospital, Austin
- San Antonio Military Medical Center
- University Women’s and Children’s Hospital, San Antonio
- Christus Children’s Hospital, San Antonio
*If your hospital does not offer a camp, please contact us regarding a special application to come to Camp Discovery.
Camp Discovery was featured on KSAT 12 in 2015 and had been operating for 32 years at the time. United States marshals visited the camp and officially swore in the kids as deputy junior U.S. marshals that day. The excited campers even had the opportunity to explore real riot gear and meet Pauly, a K-9 officer, adding an unforgettable element to their camp adventure.
View the full article here:
You will receive an acceptance packet with all the information you will need prior to sending your child to camp. You will also receive a call from one of your child’s counselors so that you may ask them any questions you might need answered.
You may contact Camp Director Jennifer Cavazos at or 210-365-3554.
An information packet with all that your child needs to bring to camp will be sent with the acceptance letter.
Camp Discovery is abundantly staffed with physicians, nurses, and nurse practitioners, many of whom your child already knows.
You will provide the medical team with all necessary medications at the time of registration. The medications will be stored and handled by the medical team in the Band-Aid-Box (infirmary) while camp is in session.
Unfortunately parents are not allowed to visit during camp. While we are extremely grateful to you for sharing your child with us for the week, experience tells us that allowing campers to not have contact with family members during camp is very valuable.
Your child will have absolutely no need for money during camp.
You may contact us to check on your child. However we will not allow you to speak with your child unless it is an emergency, as we do not want to promote home sickness.
Campers are not allowed to have cell phones or any other communicative devices at camp. If it is discovered that your child does have a cell phone in their possession, it will be confiscated and placed in a safe place until camp is over.
Camp Discovery is set up so that every child will have the opportunity to participate in all activities. If there are any physical limitations then the activity will be modified for your child.
Your child will not be forced to participate in any scheduled activity. We will highly encourage your child to try something new, but we will never force participation.
Camp Discovery is currently experiencing a 94% return volunteer rate. Many have volunteered at camp for years, and approximately 50% of them are former campers. Each volunteer participates in mandatory on-line training, and all volunteers participate in a training at camp prior to your child’s arrival. All volunteers also have a background check done on a yearly basis.